
Xiaomi Imilab KW66 Samrtwatch (Global) (Green)

(86 customer reviews)

£121.88 £79.22

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SKU: ACE-58662 Category: Tag:


Dimensions 19.5 x 19 x 2.8
Warranty Provided By Manufacturer
Product 16571324
Country of Origin China
Batteries Lithium ion batteries required.
Condition New
ASIN GTH165713243

Additional information

Product code





Genuine Xiaomi



86 reviews for Xiaomi Imilab KW66 Samrtwatch (Global) (Green)

  1. blank


    Many features on this smart watch, considering the price compared with the more expensive brands.

  2. blank


    Brilliant watch easy to use

  3. blank


    Great price Great Features

  4. blank


    Its amazing….

  5. blank


    Its awesome for the price. love it . Awesome battery life and fare choices of watch faces. Compatible with my iphone. Its not a fully capable smartwatch as Apple Watch or Samsung but it does the job for just 20 percent of the cost of applesamsung watc

  6. blank


    Good value for the price

  7. blank


    very good watch for that price, I really recommend it.

  8. blank


    No possui opo de bloqueio de ecra, o que faz com que quando o relgio entre em contacto com a gua comece a mexerse sozinho. Tambm no possui modo de treino de ginsiofree mode. A medio de frequncia cardaca parece ser ok, especialmente tendo em conta o preo. O melhor deste produto mesmo a bateria e a qualidade visual apesar de no ter muito brilho

  9. blank


    Good basic smart watch. Simple and easy for most people.

  10. blank


    No voltava a comprar

  11. blank


    Great smart watch for less than 70. The screen is not as smooth or sharp as the flagships, but this is fraction of the price. Android app needs a bit of work couldnt sync watch faces iOS worked fine.

  12. blank


    Produto de facil utilidade.Sensor do ecr de boa sensibilidade ao toque.tima relao qualidadepreo. Mais uma vez a xiaomi a no desiludir

  13. blank


    Bom relgio. Boa qualidade preo.

  14. blank


    Muito bom… Top

  15. blank


    Pretty good for the price

  16. blank


    WOW this watch is fantastic absolutely love it

  17. blank

    Nikolaos K.

    Value for money

  18. blank


    Pros app . . . . . , . Cons

  19. blank


    Esperava um melhor desempenho…

  20. blank


    Pretty good for the price

  21. blank


    Watch is really good. Battery life is four weeks. Never had a smart watch with this battery life.

  22. blank


    Great price Great Features

  23. blank


    Its awesome for the price. love it . Awesome battery life and fare choices of watch faces. Compatible with my iphone. Its not a fully capable smartwatch as Apple Watch or Samsung but it does the job for just 20 percent of the cost of applesamsung watc

  24. blank


    Cumpre os requisitos. Boa qualidade de construo e muito aceitvel para a relao qualidadepreo.

  25. blank


    Easy to use. Wear comfortably. As expected.

  26. blank


    Boa relao qualidade preo

  27. blank


    Great smart watch for less than 70. The screen is not as smooth or sharp as the flagships, but this is fraction of the price. Android app needs a bit of work couldnt sync watch faces iOS worked fine.

  28. blank


    No l bem as pulsaes. Enquanto se corre no se consegue ver os dados no relgio devido ao tamanho dos nmeros etc.

  29. blank


    melhor qualidade preo

  30. blank


    Saat beklediim gibi hereyiyle baarl satcda gayet iyi

  31. blank


    Good fitness watch for the money. Looks more expensive than it really is.

  32. blank


    very good watch for that price, I really recommend it.

  33. blank


    rn ok gerekten ok gzel ok beendim ekinmeden alabilirsiniz

  34. blank

    jose Pacheco

    Estou satisfeito um samartwatch barato mas muito bom.

  35. blank


    Pros Xiaomi. , Xiaomi best value for money mainstream .

  36. blank


    Bom preo para a gama

  37. blank


    Pros All must be good for meCons No

  38. blank


    Good fitness watch for the money. Looks more expensive than it really is.

  39. blank


    Rather good but battery doesnt last near 30 days 2 weeks approx. Which is very good anyway. 30 days must be in stand by but definitely not whilst using it daily. App is very basic and choice of design is limited cannot upload your own. Messages appear if it is a text message only. No WhatsApp or email notifications. Thee built quality is excellent. For the price of 35 or so I paid, thats worth it.

  40. blank


    Watch is really good. Battery life is four weeks. Never had a smart watch with this battery life.

  41. blank


    WOW this watch is fantastic absolutely love it

  42. blank


    Er et virkeligt fedt ur til den pris..

  43. blank


    Easy to use. Wear comfortably. As expected.

  44. blank



  45. blank


    rn sfr iyi paketlenmi. hzl teslimat. memnunum

  46. blank


    Pros Simple, effective, nothing extra, just does what it says, sends notifications, tells the time, locates phone, tracks heart rate and step count.Cons Needs to last longer than 3 months The screen completely died and now it doesnt work. Worse still, Ive reached out to the retailer LD and they dont seem to want to acknowledge my email to them. Really poor service. Cant recommend this watch because it doesnt work after a few months around 2 of usage.

  47. blank


    Good value for the price

  48. blank


    Pros Simple, effective, nothing extra, just does what it says, sends notifications, tells the time, locates phone, tracks heart rate and step count.Cons Needs to last longer than 3 months The screen completely died and now it doesnt work. Worse still, Ive reached out to the retailer LD and they dont seem to want to acknowledge my email to them. Really poor service. Cant recommend this watch because it doesnt work after a few months around 2 of usage.

  49. blank


    saat malzeme kalitesi olarak cok guzel. ozellik olarak cok fazla beklentiye girmeye gerek yok fiyat performans olarak tatmin edici inceleme videolari bu konuda gayet bilgilendirici. Bu kalitede 1000 lira verip arama cevaplama yapamadiktan sonra bu fiyata bu rn cok mantikli diyebilirim.

  50. blank

    A. B.

    Uprcise mlinger ift km og skridt. Kunne ikke regne med mine data under trningen.

  51. blank


    rn markas yazld gibi xiaomi olmad icin beenmedim

  52. blank


    Rather good but battery doesnt last near 30 days 2 weeks approx. Which is very good anyway. 30 days must be in stand by but definitely not whilst using it daily. App is very basic and choice of design is limited cannot upload your own. Messages appear if it is a text message only. No WhatsApp or email notifications. Thee built quality is excellent. For the price of 35 or so I paid, thats worth it.

  53. blank


    rn 1000 tl lik saatler gibi zellikle kay harika iki adet kay gelmekte yesile yakn bir renk ve siyah yuzde 75 pil doluluguyla geldi 5 gndr bagl suanda yuzde 25 pili var buda yaklask bir hafta sizi gtrr anlamna geliyor uygulamas kullanm skntl ama kendi fotonuzu koyup ekrana aktarabiliyorsunuz uygulamadan trkeletiriyorsunuz yaz tipleri bir acayip oluyor gncellemeyle hal edilebilir gibi gzkyor saati acp bagladgnzda hemen gncelleme gelior otomatik aktaryor pahal saat grnml ucuz iini yapan bir saat

  54. blank


    Cons .

  55. blank


    Ainda no tive oportunidade de o por a funcionar

  56. blank



  57. blank


    Battery life is very good. Only support plain text SMS messages. Multimedia or extended characters will not not transfer to the phone and you will not be alert.

  58. blank

    Adelino M. S.

    No faz o registo correcto do ritmo cardiaco, as horas de sono tambm esto mal nem sequer os passos conta como deve ser.

  59. blank


    kordonunda izik kt ama nemli deil , aratrp almtm vaad ettii eyleri yerine getiriyor tavsiye ederim

  60. blank


    Aynsndan kendim kullanyorum 1 yldr hediye olarak aldm yannfa yedek kayfa kt fp rn aldm derim satc hemen kargolad teekkrler

  61. blank


    Pros .. Cons .. .

  62. blank


    Pros Cons

  63. blank


    En ok klocka.

  64. blank


    Many features on this smart watch, considering the price compared with the more expensive brands.

  65. blank


    Cumpre bem com as funes a que se prope. A bateria no dura 30 dias, mas dura vrios.

  66. blank


    Paket zenli,cihazn grn ok k. Bakalm kullannca anlatld gibiyse

  67. blank


    Battery life is very good. Only support plain text SMS messages. Multimedia or extended characters will not not transfer to the phone and you will not be alert.

  68. blank


    Brilliant watch easy to use

  69. blank

    Sr. F.

    Simples, barato e muito til

  70. blank



  71. blank


    Good basic smart watch. Simple and easy for most people.

  72. blank


    rn iyi anlatld gibi ama bir uygulamas var Allaha havale ediyorum Suriyeli cevirisini yapm ne diyo anlalmyor kadranlar deitireceksin yle Huawei gibi felan seri deil 10 dakka sryor rahat indirmesi yklemesi de 10 dakka sryor bazen kaydetmiyor vs rn iyi uygulama berbat

  73. blank


    Its amazing….

  74. blank

    Jos M.

    Simples Muito bom

  75. blank

    reat kadir

    Herey anlatld gibi harika

  76. blank


    10 10., , , . , , . , . , .

  77. blank



  78. blank


    Daha nce kullandm mi band 4 den kullanm bakmndan daha faydal, dnen arkadalara tavsiye ederim.

  79. blank


    bayldm.sper rn tam anlatld gibi kt.ift kordonlu ve ak renk kasal yeil tercih ettim.uygulama da fena deil.arayz gelitirilmi

  80. blank


    Bom na relao qualidadepreo

  81. blank


    Pros All must be good for meCons No

  82. blank

    Nikolaos K.

    Value for money

  83. blank


    Evet beendim.Gayet k ve kaliteli duruyor.Urun malzemeside kaliteli.Pil ok iyi gidiyor nede olsa 340 mha.Diger ucuz saatler gibi 180200 mha deil.Bildirimler annda ekrana geliyor.Uretici Xioami olmas gzel,ne olduu belli olmayan dier in rnlerinden daha iyi.Bu fiyata gre alnabilecek bir saat.Bu kategoride 85 TL den 4500 TL ye kadar saat var.Fiyat arttka kalite ve ilevsellik de artyor tabiii.Ama bu saat bizim iimizi grd.Bildirimleri grmekti amacmz oda mevcut zaten.

  84. blank


    at agora bastante satisfeito

  85. blank


    Ekstra kordonla gelmesi ok gzel. Kordonlarin kalitesi gayet iyi. Koku falan yapmiyor. Saate gelince sarji yogun kullanimda bile 1 haftayi rahat cikartir normal kullanimda ise 2 hafta denilebilir. Uygulamasi fena deil ama temalar degistirilirken yaklasik 4 dakika gibi uzun bir surede degistiriyor. 5 tane sabit tema var siz ekstra uygulamadan indirip degitirebiliyorsunuz. Uygulamada guzel 34 tema buldum gayet guzel. 60 yakin tema var. Saat uzerinde 5 tema yetersiz geldi ekstrayla 6 oluyor. Adim sayarda 100 adimda 2 sapmasi var ortalama. Uyku takibi doru calisiyor. Suya dayanikliligida test ettim sorun olmadi. Bildirim olarak her uygulamayi destekliyor. Fakat WhatsApp da sessizde ki grup mesajlarinin bildirimlerinide gostermesi en olumsuz tarafi o yuzden whatsap bildirimlerini kapattim. Uygulamasi guncelleme aliyor bu arada. Tasarim olarakta fiyatina gore iyi. 300 liraya aldim indirimden o fiyata gayet yeterli bence.

  86. blank


    rn kaliteli arj 20 gn gidiyor kordon seenei var 2 adet kutudan kyor ben ok beendim gerekten gzel.

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